Lights Up On Stage

Daniel Lewis Turns 80 with Celebration Day After Annual 'Dance Sampler'

DANCE: It's the 14th edition of the Daniel Lewis Dance Sampler and the 80th birthday of the man himself. Michelle F. Solomon has the story.

MAZ Interview

A Conversation With Photographer Marc Schmidt

IN CONVERSATION WITH . . . Jeff Wilkinson unearths things even he didn't know in his conversation with based-in Miami Beach photographer Marc Schmidt.

Movie Reviews

You Really Should Be Watching 'Heartstopper'

MOVIES: Our smitten film critic Ruben Rosario is having a love affair with the Netflix series "Heartstopper" and he thinks you should, too.

Editors Picks

What's Happening: Enjoy Local Arts

WHAT'S HAPPENING:What's happening in the Magic City? has the list.

Theater Reviews

'Ms. Holmes and Ms. Watson' at Main Street Players is Wild, Wacky

THEATER: Main Street Players' (MSP) presents a different take on the classic character Sherlock Holmes. Aaron Krause has the review.

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